Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Our town died last week.

South Lima is a funny little place. Split between two townships, those of us on the north side of the road vote in Lima, those on the south side in Livonia. There are a mix of people, from those who farm the land around town, to those commuting to Rochester and the surrounding area for work.

A couple years ago Darby and I were wondering why we like it here, and finally narrowed it down to our immediate neighbors and the the Post Office.

The South Lima Post Office. Not the gem of the USPS. An old trailer, to which they added a ramp last year. But there was no mail delivery available in South Lima and you had to go down to the trailer to get your mail, and in the process, over the course of a year, see nearly everyone in town. Over the time we have lived here, the Postmistress/master position has changed a few times. Always a cause for concern - Now who? Will they fit? This could suck!?!?

And each time, the new person has fit at least as well as the last. We have been lucky, as a community. Until now.

It couldn't have been a reasonable expense. I can't imagine there has been enough mail volume to justify the expense of even one employee and heat/ac expenses. But in this era of questioning what we want from government, providing a sense of community to a little bump in the road place like ours was awfully nice.

The South Lima Post Office closed last Friday. Darby and I opted for keeping our address the same, picking up our mail down in Livonia. The hours will be more convenient, but Livonia's not our town.

And we still vote in Lima.


dylan S. said...

All's I can say is that was a good post RCH.

Reminds me of when they finally closed what must have been one of the last Woolworth's in down town Traverse City back in the mid 1990's. I say "finally" because, well, obviously it was pretty amazing that it was still open.

I've said it before and I'll say it again; I am of the last generation that was able to catch a glimpse of the world as it once was.

This may have nothing to do with your postal trailer.

Richard C. Harrington said...

Hey Dylan,

I think that is exactly what I was getting at. There is something missing from so much today. Quiet decency, maybe.

My brother and I used to get chocolate Cokes at the soda counter in the Woolworth's in Walla Walla.
Lots of good memories there, but there doesn't seem to be anything like it these days.

Jeez, I sound like a guy just turned 50.