Sunday, March 21, 2010

The end for now.....

The Artifact of Landscape show came down this week. I have to take a break from the magnum landscapes for a bit and work on some smaller scale work for my show season. Well, smaller by my new 12 feet is medium-sized standard. I have several 4, 5 and 6 foot paintings underway, which should start finishing up in the next few weeks.

I'm excited about the upcoming show season and the pieces I am getting ready for it, and at the same time, there are ideas for the extra-large landscapes bubbling just under the surface that are hard to put aside for the moment.

Oh well, art was never supposed to be easy, and if it was, I'd be bored.


dylan S. said...

Hey man this show looked really good! I hope to see the new larger pieces in person.

David Oleski said...

Fantastic body of work, there's no reason these shouldn't be on the road with you. Great job.

Dana S. Whitney said...

It was a pleasure to talk with you at Cottonwood. Best wishes.