Friday, November 25, 2011

The goins on over the last several weeks......

Barn No. 1, in the series of 30.

They are coming together. 4 finished Wednesday, and after weeks of painting, looking, changing..... the conversation of painting- the remaining 26 will be coming together in the next 10 days. They are offered for sale on my small work site, and I'll be talking some about the process over here too.

It has been a very interesting way to work, learning through the good luck of a random choice. It will change the way I work in the future, in terms of how the changes in one piece can inform the choices I make while working on another.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Busy fall season.....

Here's where I started.

I'm totally swiping an idea from my friend David Oleski. He's off in Thailand, he'll never know.OK, so he'll know. In fact he encouraged it. I'm not as bad as I'd like to think. Several weeks ago I started 30 paintings. They are small, either 6 x 8 inches or 7 x 7 inches. They will be available starting November 25th. One per day, for 30 days. Details to follow.
In between working on these 30 paintings, I've been chasing steelhead. My favorite fish in my favorite season. The river has been stingy this year. I can't believe I've gotten any work done at all.
Here's where I am at as of Friday. Close on a few.